Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Holy Hell, Batman!

This is what happens when you go out of town for four days. Keller would have posed all day with those zucchinis. He also wanted to take a picture of just the vegetables so that we can remember them even after they have been eaten.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fun Time With Friends

Vera's Summer

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Gus the Clothes Horse

I have never had a child care what clothes they are wearing, until Gus. Vera still wants me pick out her clothes, of course part of that is that I do make her change if things don't match... just for school. Keller will wear anything, usually backwards. Gus walks into our room in the morning with clothes in hand ready to be dressed for the day.
Sometimes he really wants to wear two shirts or two pairs of pants. Monday, he found his pirate pants from Halloween. Once he has decided on clothing, it is very hard to change his mind.

Father's Day at the Rose Garden

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum

At the SB Contemporary Arts Forum (aka Modern Art Museum), the exhibits displayed were themed, "Things That Turn Your Brain to Mush." J and the two kiddos made stop motion animations. It makes me a little ill to see them all on one page together.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Kindergarten and First

First Grade - Both the Beginning and the End

The side-by-side this year is not quite as striking as the one from kindergarten. I will say this though, I was a bit worried that the outfit from the first day wasn't going to fit by the end of the year. Our girl grows like a weed, just like her mama. Well, okay, maybe like her dad too!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

State Street Mile

The State Street Mile is a one mile race straight through the heart of Santa Barbara. Thankfully for our two munchkins, the course is all downhill. Runners compete in age groups, as elite runners (aka, super fast), the dog race (which surprisingly also = some super fast runners) and the Family Fun Run. J and all three kiddos decided to take on the challenge.

Vera finishing strong.

Keller at the home stretch!

Final time!

Vera's teacher, so fun to run into her at the end of the race. FYI, that is a wig, her hair is as long and blonder than mine. I am a little surprised that Vera recognized her.

Keller has entered a stage where he is giving the sweetest smiles to the camera.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Penny Update

Uh oh! Penny is already picking up some bad habits.