Thursday, July 4, 2013

Keller's 5th Birthday

The looks you can get when you ask kids to stop what they are doing and smile at the camera. Keller's birthday contained a lot of digging. 

Instead of burying a 1000 items, 3 boxes were buried a foot deep. It was amazing how long the kiddos stayed focused trying to find the treasure boxes (a box of cookies, one with Fruit by the Foot, and Fruit Snacks).

A nice photo of father and son. 

I have just realized how few pictures I am taking of the baby bump. Here I am at 22 and a half weeks. 

Thank you Nonni and Nonno for all of your help and baking all of the pizzas for the party!!

Mr. Turtle was a HUGE hit!

Gus made a new friend. 

All the kiddos!

Gus and Colin, so glad that the Stempels were in town to help us celebrate. Gus kept trying to hold Colin's hand.

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