Tuesday, December 18, 2018

December Happenings

Gingerbread decorating is always fun...especially when you make the kids decorate together. Teamwork makes the dream work!

The $5 is decorated and ready for present. The library/living room has furniture!

Hatchimals mania continues in our house. Along with a very unhealthy obsession with LOL Dolls.

Playdate with our neighbor:

Pine State Biscuits = super yummy!

J's Christmas display:

1st true rainfall as I picked the kiddos up from school.

Love, love, love when I get my big ones to craft with the littles. Can you guess who did each tree?

Holiday party in Gus' classroom, so love his teacher and the creativity and kindness that she brings to each day.

Sugar cookie Christmas Trees. Holy moly, there is a lot of cookie in this picture. Then, we realized after stacking that you were supposed to make two of each size so that it would have been double the height. Whoops.

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