Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Hollow Baby!

Going to Happy Hollow on Christmas Eve gave the kids a needed break from all of the family/friend visiting. We love to see everyone, but after a bit, it gets harder and harder for Keller to understand why he has to be calm and mellow...the kid just wants to be jumping up and down or running around. We got to see Amburger + one my friends from college. My college friend brought her son and after a small warm-up period, he and Vera were holding hands while walking around the park. He is her younger man (as he is almost 4!).

Amber = Good Sport - Thank you for riding the roller coaster with the Keller Dude!

Yep, Amburger also went on the Frog Hopper with the kids.

A high-five from Danny the Dinosaur completed our day!

1 comment:

Krista said...

Amber looks good in this year's holiday hat!