Sunday, December 21, 2008

Pre-Christmas Dinner and our Tree

Pre-Christmas dinner at our house...good times! J cooked up a ham and everyone brought a dish, yummy food, good wine, and great friendship, all you need. We have come a long way since being the Thursday night crew.

I went with a themed Christmas tree this year. Every ornament and decoration (okay, except for the lights) is made out of paper. Vera and I made the chain and white snow flakes. She helped by opening them up once they were folded. My sister taught me how to fold the cranes and balls. Then, we were at a friend's birthday party for her son and the craft project was to decorate different ornaments. Vera decorated a dozen wreaths, ornaments, and stars so that she could put them on the tree. She is a crafting machine.

1 comment:

fourthbreakfast said...

Love the paper theme! So colorful and cheerful. I'm so impressed your Santa II had reindeer. I've only seen them at the zoo.