Therefore, we took nine million photos and I truly feel like posting all of them. By the way, the first pic is for my B-i-L, because he likes brains.
Movie plus large body that talks = awesome, except for the fact that the Little Dude fully freaked out and I had to leave with him a quarter of the way through. He really couldn't make up his mind about leaving. We would start to walk out and he would scream, "Stay!!!!" Then, the person would start talking and it was, "Leave!!!!" I think sometimes we forget that he is only 2. I still remember taking Vera to Disneyland for the first time when she was 2.5 and thinking she would love all of the rides. Well, black lights + loud music was not the way to go. I think the Keller is in that same stage.
Kate playing Vera's favorite game of the day. You had to use your beak (oddly shaped stick) to pull the food (round balls) towards you. Yea, the adults might have gotten a little excited and started a tournament to see who caught their food the fastest.
Talk tube!
We love climbing structures.
My favorite part of the day! Can someone please buy this camel for me for Christmas? I think Vera would like it as well and we would get lots of enjoyment from sitting on its back.
Reason #167 why I like hanging with Kate and Mikel...they like taking photos too.
One of the kid discovery areas...rad.
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