Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thank You Trader Joe's

Free pumpkin decorating at Trader Joe's, we so loved it. The fact that I didn't have to clean up the glitter glue or paint made for one very happy mama. Glitter is my nemesis when used at home, I find it for weeks and weeks after whatever craft we have created is long gone to the recycling gods.

A quick note about Keller's costume, I made it last year and The Dude would not put it on. Today, he wore it shopping, pumpkin decorating, and pumpkin carving. So, so glad that it got some wear. He was quite popular with the ladies today.

Concentration, I think the costume helped.

While Vera was concentrating, can you see what Keller was doing? Do you see him with his head between the bars back there? There was a moment, where I thought we were going to have to buy some butter to see if we could get his noggin back through. The good luck part, after the rather large noggin, his body slipped easily through.


The Fallons said...

That last shot is awesome! ;)

Krista said...

Just like birth!