Keller had his 6 month appointment today and checked out just fine. He is measuring 28 inches and just over 18 pounds. I had a long talk with the doc about this kiddo's eating and sleeping habits. It boils down to the fact that he has only wanted to nurse and is still waking up 3-4 times a night. When the pediatrician heard our daily schedule she remarked right away that he feeds like a newborn, every 3 hours, pretty much on the dot.
And, I have to give the doctor much props, she spent 15 minutes planning a detailed eating schedule for him. We are starting him on soup, purees, and everything and anything that I can stuff in his mouth (mostly homemade). It is true about the second child...he gets everything earlier and it just seems like we are less careful with what he is eating in regards to allergenic foods and introducing new things one at a time.
Keller Soup
2-3 cups water
Piece of chicken on the bone (I used a drumstick)
5 slices of fresh ginger
green onions
Boil and then simmer for 20 minutes until chicken is cooked. Vera ate his chicken, but the piece could go in the soup along with any other ingredients that sound good...rice, peas, spinach...etc, etc, etc. I threw in some butternut squash that I had roasted with olive oil, salt, and pepper (so yummy) and brown rice. The soup ended up half in his mouth and half soaking into his shirt.
Gee whiz! Keller is a bruiser!! Great photo. Do you have a sippy cup brand you particularly like? I noticed he's holding a water bottle there.
Oh my god, that photo is adorable; that smile is gonna be a heartbreaker.
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