Just when you think that you have childproofed your house and it is safe for everyone involved...a monkey finds its way into your house and starts climbing. What am I supposed to do now? He keeps climbing to the top and then forgets he is up there, turns around to smile, and CRASH! Well okay, he falls into my arms, but it might have been a crash if I had taken just one more photo.

Before having one of each sex I scoffed at the idea that boys and girls were so different. Hmmm...
i dunno keara, those shelves look an awful lot like stairs, and you've placed some kind of desirable bowl of somethin' at the top...if i were said monkey i'm pretty sure i'd go for it too :)
heehee...blueberries are very tempting to the keller monkey! :)
Good thing it wasn't a sweet potato up at the top there!
Love the second photo with him captured in frog leg position!
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