Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Haircut Heard Around the World

Oh! The joy of long hair. It can be put back in a pony and looks adorable with a big headband bow. Truth, I waited a very long time to give Pearly her first haircut. So long, that Gus decided to take matters into his own hands. In his defense (and it is very shady defense), J and I both truly believe that he thought he could simply put it back on after all of the cutting. Not the case Little Man!

Before the cut:

After the cut:

Gus managed to destroy one side, think boy cut short and take a HUGE chunk out of the front. Thank goodness for Eric from The Color Room. He managed to create a hairstyle out of the chaos. 

Pixie! Randomly, it suits her. 

1 comment:

Krista said...

Wow, she behaved really well in the chair! And the look does suit your little monkey.