Remember when I mentioned how much Vera loves mail. Ta-Ta, Opa, a few others, and my very own Aunt Stephanie took the hint and Vera has been receiving fun items ever since. Vera has loved getting the letters, you know what she loves even more...packages! Yesterday Vera got a delivery from Amazon, an Easter present from Aunt Steph and Sandy. Inside was an Animal Ecyclopedia and she is loving it.
For Vera's bedtime story we were studying mammals. On the first page there is five mini pictures that show parts of five animals. First time through Vera nailed the elephant, zebra, and the tiger. With a little help from me we found the bear and the rat. There was still one picture left and I just kind of skipped over it. It was grey, wrinkly skin and me being oh so intelligent knew that it was a hippopotamus.
The book was put down for the night. The next morning I was nursing Keller and while I was with him Vera was in her room reading. I go to see her and she is super excited. "It's a seal Mommy!" Okay, I am thinking silly girl, I know it is a hippopotamus. She then proceeds to show me the picture that matches the seal part...darned if she wasn't right!
1 comment:
smart little lady you have there Missy....btw, Vera's hair looks reddish...did she get into her mommy's hair dye?
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