Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Just in case you missed it, I turned 35 this year! To celebrate, I got to attend BlogHer'14, a conference for female bloggers that has been on my radar for a few years (thanks fourthbreakfast!). My sister's best friend from college attends most years with her sister and I tagged along with them during meal breaks. I am giving myself big props for going, it made me feel like an adult. No seriously, I am such a wimp about doing new things or doing thing where I don't have a gaggle of girlfriends. 

Yep, by myself I walked around and took photos with HUGE props. Ridiculous or super fun?

One of the highlights of my first night was having my zen cards read. It is just so something my mom would have done...made me miss her that much more. The first cards up was a queen...and I swear the description was Vera, a smart leader that is plagued by doubts.

By the second day I was getting a bit lonely walking around by myself; I pulled in a wing-man. Oh man, booth people love a baby. The HairInfinity girls liked me so much they gave me two free bottles of their...vitamins. Hmmm, still deciding whether or not I will be taking them.

I was supposed to twitter this picture to enter a contest...uhmmm...yeah, that didn't happen. I am very slowly learning how to twitter or tweet. Crap, still confused. 

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