Rockville, gorgeous display of American flags for Veteran's Day. This one is for you Opa, Papa, and Mama's Opa.
After two days of driving, ZION!! We made it with daylight to spare and time for the kiddos to run around a bit. Brrr...the cold was a wee bit shocking. Of course, it didn't help that I arrived wearing Birkenstock shoes with no socks. Vera has been very willing to bundle, the boys have been a bit harder to convince (including Jason).
You can't beat the view from our cabin.
Keller chilling inside the cabin.
Gotta love the beanies under the bike helmets.This is right before everyone put their gloves on. So thankful that we bought Vera tennis shoes as we were leaving Vegas and that at the last moment I bought Gus a pair of mittens.
First wildlife sighting right outside the front of The Lodge. The kids were amazed, turns out the deer in Zion are like churches in England...look around every corner and you will see one. However, I think this guy will win the "Best Antlers Award" for the trip.
This is how we roll.
First bike ride of the trip was a success.
Can you spot the fox in the picture?
Back at the cabin getting cozy.
I loved the deer too
the cabin was very worm.
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